How to create an outstanding social media report 

Businesses nowadays rely on social media to get their name out there, connect with customers, and drum up new leads. But just having a social media presence isn't quite enough. To really see how you’re doing, you need to put together a regular social media report.

By digging into social media data, you can determine whether your strategies and campaigns are hitting the mark. Tracking the number of people you are reaching, how engaged they are, how many clicks you’re getting, and how many clicks turn into actual sales helps you see what's working and what's not. These insights help you make smart decisions and fine-tune your future campaigns.

Perhaps most importantly, social media reports can help ensure your social media efforts are moving you in the right direction for achieving your broader business goals

What is a social media report?

A social media report analyses your company's performance on various social media platforms during a specific period, typically weeks to months. It presents a comprehensive breakdown of key metrics and indicators to evaluate the effectiveness of your social media strategies and campaigns. Think of it as a wide-angle snapshot of your company's activities on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, and more. 

But this report is not just a collection of numbers. Rather, it is a tool for storytelling. It provides a clear picture of your social media journey, covering both highs and successes along with lows and challenges. It captures trends and patterns that define your online presence.

By delving into this data, you can gain a wealth of knowledge about your audience's behaviour, the performance of your content, and the overall impact of your social media efforts. With these insights, you can make informed decisions, modify your strategies, and see tangible results for your business.

What to include in your social media report

When it comes to social media reporting, the content and format may vary depending on the goals and KPIs of the business.

At Tability, we include the following:

Analysis period - This tells you when all this data was collected, so you know what happened over that period.

Platform name - The specific platform(s) you’re reporting on, for example, LinkedIn.   

High-level takeaways - The most important messages we want our audience to learn.

Key performance indicators (KPIs) - The specific targets for the social media platform. These may be around engagement levels, impressions, or follower growth, among other things.  

Then we place our data into four sections:

1. Content:

  • Total posts
  • Total organic impressions
  • Organic engagement rate
  • Total pageviews (LinkedIn)
  • Unique visitors (LinkedIn)
  • Top three posts, including no. of impressions and CTR

2. Reach:

  • Total no. of followers
  • No. of new followers
  • Avg. new daily followers

3. Insights:

This section provides noteworthy observations we’ve made from our data. 

For example, we might say something like: 

Tuesdays and Wednesdays get the most impressions and highest engagement rates for our posts on LinkedIn, while Fridays get the least.

These insights help us tell a more comprehensive story and enable us to shape our recommendations.  

4. Recommendations

This section outlines the steps we believe we should focus on next based on the insights we’ve gleaned from our data. 

For example, from the aforementioned insight, we might include a recommendation like: 

Optimise posting schedule: Adjust posting schedule to prioritise high-engagement days (Tue & Wed) and avoid low-engagement days (Fri).

How to put a social media report together

There’s a lot to think about when putting together a social media report—it requires gathering various pieces of information and arranging them meaningfully to tell a story. Every business is different, and the approaches will vary. 

We’ve put together a step-by-step guide based on how we tackle it at Tability to help simplify the process:

1. Gather your data

Getting data for a social media report is a bit of a process, but it's not too complicated once you break it down. 

First, determine which social media platforms you want to look at—Facebook, Twitter (X), Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube are common choices. At Tability, we report on LinkedIn and Twitter. 

Next, decide on the time frame you want to cover, like the last month or maybe the past quarter, to match up with your business's activities and when you need to report. We report monthly. 

Now comes the fun part: getting the data. You can use the platforms’ native analytics or a third-party tool like Buffer or SocialPilot

At Tability, gathering data is a manual effort that requires cross-referencing metrics from native social media platforms and third-party social media tools. 

Here's why we review data from both… 

Third-party social media management tools are great, but there can be some discrepancies (albeit often minor) between the analytics data they capture and those shown in the native platform analytics. Third-party tools often rely on the social media platform's API (Application Programming Interface) to gather data, which may have limitations or delays in data retrieval.


The following engagement insights are taken from a Twitter analytics report from SocialPilot from 16 March 2024 to 14 April 2024. 

Engagement insights from SocialPilot

For the same period, we get this from Twitter’s native analytics

Twitter engagement etrics

As you can see, the native Twitter analytics show three replies and 20 likes versus two replies and 17 likes from the SocialPilot report. It’s a minor difference, but one worth noting.  

2. Analyse your data

When putting together a social media report, you must look at the numbers closely to see how your posts are performing and how your audience is reacting. Start by checking engagement rates, reach, impressions, and follower growth. By comparing the performance of each platform, you can determine what's working and what's not, so you can tweak your strategy accordingly. 

Tability’s impressions data from native Twitter analytics
Tability’s impressions data from native Twitter analytics.

You also need to see which types of content are getting the most love from your audience. Are videos more popular than infographics? Do people love your blog posts? This info will help you create better content in the future. 

Another thing to look at is who's engaging with your content. This is your demographic data and can include things like age, gender, location, interests, job title and seniority, and more. 

Job function data from LinkedIn
Job function data from LinkedIn.
Location data from LinkedIn
Location data from LinkedIn.

Once you've got all this information, you can make smarter recommendations to improve your social media game. By using data to guide your strategy, you'll be able to engage more effectively with your audience and drive better results for your business.

3. Provide context and insights

Raw data alone lacks context and doesn't provide a comprehensive understanding of social media performance. To truly grasp the significance of the numbers, it's essential to provide context and insights in your social media report. 

For instance, the graphic below does not tell us much on its own…

Twitter engagement rate data

However, when we add context such as "Our organic engagement rate on Twitter is 9.1% (+29% MoM), exceeding our KPI of 7%," offers a clearer picture of performance trends and goal attainment.

If you want to make the most of your social media report, you've got to combine the data with your own creativity and experience, keeping in mind your business goals. By doing this, you can generate specific suggestions and action plans aligning with broader business objectives

4. Include recommendations

Recommendations are actionable suggestions or strategies proposed based on the analysis of social media data, insights, and performance. They bridge the gap between data analysis and action by translating insights into specific, actionable steps that align with your strategic initiatives

While third-party and native social media analytics tools are excellent for gathering and presenting data about your social media performance, they fall short when it comes to providing actionable recommendations or guiding you on the next steps.

When providing recommendations in your social media report, you should keep these things in mind:

  • Connect the dots with business goals: Make sure your recommendations align with your company's overall goals. Think about how your social media strategy can help you get more leads, spread the word about your brand, or keep people engaged.
  • Set SMART goals and key performance indicators (KPIs): For each recommendation, set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals and KPIs to measure your progress. This way, you'll know if your recommendations are hitting the mark and making a difference or if you need to switch things up for better results.
  • Provide specific, actionable steps: Instead of general advice, offer up some practical steps your team can take to boost your social media game. Break it down into clear tasks, like tweaking your content plan, adjusting your posting schedule, or trying out new content formats on different platforms.
  • Prioritise based on impact and feasibility: Look at your social media data and identify the big opportunities for improvement. Then, make your recommendations based on what will have the biggest impact and what you have the resources to implement.

Examples of recommendations:

Recommendation: Increase content diversity

  • Goal: Enhance brand visibility and engagement by diversifying content types 
  • KPIs: Increase engagement rates by 15% within three months
  • Next steps: Incorporate a mix of videos, infographics, user-generated content, and behind-the-scenes footage into the content calendar

Recommendation: Optimise posting schedule 

  • Goal: Increase reach and engagement by posting content at optimal times for our target audience
  • KPIs: Increase engagement rates by 5% within one month
  • Next steps: Use analytics data to identify peak engagement times for each platform and adjust posting schedule accordingly. Experiment with different posting times and measure engagement rates to identify the most effective posting schedule 

Recommendation: Enhance visual branding

  • Goal: Improve brand recognition and consistency across social media platforms 
  • KPIs: Increase brand mentions by 20% within three months
  • Next steps: Develop a set of branded templates, fonts, and colour palettes for social media graphics. Ensure that all visual content aligns with brand guidelines and reflects the brand's personality 

5. Add high-level takeaways

It's helpful to include a summary of important points in your social media report so that stakeholders, particularly at the senior level, can quickly access the most critical information without reading the whole report. 

I like to refer to this as the “essence of the report”, and I approach it by asking myself these two questions:

  1. If someone only had 30 seconds to read my report, what do I want them to know and why? This question helps me prioritise the most critical information.
  2. How do I make my key points resonate with the reader? This question makes me think about what matters most to them (which usually involves achieving a bigger business goal). 

Here are some examples of high-level takeaways I might include:

  • Engagement is rising: Our average engagement rate across all social media platforms increased from 7.1% to 9.5%, indicating that our content is resonating well with our audience. This aligns with our business goal of fostering brand loyalty and encouraging customer retention.
  • Website traffic is increasing: Social media referral traffic to our website increased by 30% this month, with a 10% increase in average session duration. This indicates that our social media efforts are driving qualified leads to our site, aligning with our business goal of generating more leads and conversions through online channels. 
  • Brand awareness is growing: We grew our total social media followers by 15% this quarter, surpassing our goal of 10% growth, indicating a growing interest in our brand and expanding our potential reach. This aligns with our business goal of expanding our market share and attracting new customers. 

7 hot tips for creating your social media reports

1. Tailor the report to your audience

Who is your social media report for? Your manager? The wider marketing team? The executive leadership team? When you're putting together a social media report, think about who's going to read it and make sure it's something they'll find interesting. Include what matters to them, and don't overwhelm them with too much detail. Sometimes, keeping it short and sweet with just the important points works best. 

2. Start with the most important information

Starting with the most important information grabs the reader's attention right away and gives them the main insights upfront. Nowadays, people are super busy and don't have much time. By putting the most crucial stuff at the beginning, you make sure they get the main gist without having to read the whole thing. Plus, it helps you focus on what matters, so you can address the big issues or opportunities immediately. By starting with the important info, you set the tone for the rest of the report, making it easier for readers to understand the rest of the details and analysis. 

At Tability, we start with the high-level key takeaways at the top and work backward from there.

3. Focus on the metrics that matter

Focusing on the metrics that matter ensures that resources are allocated effectively and efforts are directed towards activities that contribute most significantly to business objectives. By identifying and prioritising KPIs that directly align with business goals, such as increasing brand awareness, driving website traffic, or improving customer engagement, businesses can measure the impact of their social media efforts accurately. 

4. Make your report easy to scan

Making your social media report easy to scan helps busy stakeholders quickly grasp the main points without reading every word. People often skim through information to find what's most relevant to them. By organising your report with clear headings, bullet points, and concise summaries, you make it easier for readers to navigate and extract key insights efficiently. 

5. Place the detailed data in the appendix

Placing detailed social media data and accompanying visuals like charts and graphs in the appendix helps keep the main body of the report focused on key insights and recommendations, making it more concise. This enables readers to quickly understand the main findings without being overwhelmed by excessive detail. It also gives interested readers the opportunity to examine specifics in-depth if they wish to do so. This ensures that the report caters to both those who are looking for a high-level overview as well as those who require more detailed information. 

6. Get AI to help

AI can streamline the process of creating social media reports by automating various tasks and providing valuable insights. AI can analyse large datasets quickly and efficiently, identifying trends, patterns, and correlations in social media data. These insights go beyond surface-level metrics, providing deeper understanding and actionable recommendations for optimising social media strategies.

Here’s an example of how you can use AI to help with your social media reports…

Claude AI
Claude AI.
  1. Go to Claude AI
  2. Attach your social media data and enter the relevant AI prompt
Claude AI output
A snippet of the insights provided by Claude AI.

Note - AI sometimes struggles with numbers, so it’s important to double-check the response. 

Now that you have the insights, you can ask for some recommendations…

Claude AI recommendations
A snippet of the recommendations provided by Claude AI.

Tweak these recommendations as needed.

7. Review your reports and ask for feedback

It's a good idea to check your social media reports and ask for feedback to make sure the information you present is accurate and reliable. By carefully reviewing the data, analysis, and conclusions, you can spot any mistakes or inconsistencies that may have occurred while reporting. Also, it is important to get feedback from your colleagues or stakeholders, as they may give you useful perspectives and insights that you may have overlooked. This can help you improve the quality and relevance of your reports.

Common pitfalls

Creating social media reports can be challenging, and there are common pitfalls to avoid. Here are five to watch out for:

1. Focusing on vanity metrics instead of business goals

Concentrating solely on superficial metrics like likes, shares, and follower counts without assessing their influence on business objectives is shortsighted. While these metrics offer some understanding of social media performance, they often fail to capture the genuine business value derived from your social media efforts.

2. Lack of context

Another common misstep is showcasing data without weaving it into a narrative that provides context and insights. Without this narrative, stakeholders may find it challenging to grasp the significance of the numbers and may struggle to make informed decisions based on the report's findings. It's crucial to tell a story around the data to ensure that stakeholders understand its implications and can take meaningful action accordingly.

3. Overcomplicating the report

Finding the right balance in your report is key. You want to give stakeholders the insights they need without drowning them in too much information. Keep things simple and clear, avoiding too many unnecessary details or fancy graphics that could confuse rather than clarify. Stick to what's most important, making sure your message comes across loud and clear without overwhelming your audience.

4. Lack of actionable recommendations

A social media report isn't just about sharing numbers; it should also offer practical advice on enhancing performance. Without clear recommendations for improvement, stakeholders may struggle to implement the insights provided.

5. Not tracking progress over time

It's crucial to track social media performance over time to identify trends and patterns accurately. Failing to compare current performance to historical data can lead to missed opportunities for optimisation and improvement.

How to align your social media goals with business objectives

Linking your social media goals to your business objectives can help you demonstrate the value and impact of your social media efforts on overall business performance.

At Tability, we use the Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) goal-setting framework, but this process can work across different frameworks

Tability social media goals
Tability makes it easy to manage your social media goals.

Here are four steps you can take to align your social media goals with your business objectives…

Step 1: Review your business objectives 

Begin by reviewing your business objectives and identifying the specific outcomes you want to achieve. This may include increasing sales, expanding market reach, enhancing brand awareness, or improving customer satisfaction. Once you have a clear understanding of your business objectives, you can align your social media goals to support these broader goals.

Step 2: Create SMART social media goals 

Next, you need to create specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals that directly contribute to achieving your business objectives. 


Business objective: Increase online sales by 20% within the next quarter.

SMART social media goal: Increase the conversion rate from social media traffic by 15% within the next three months, measured by the number of purchases made through social media referral links.

Step 3: Establish KPIs

Once you have established your social media goals, identify the key performance indicators to help you track progress towards these goals. These KPIs should be directly related to your social media objectives and provide actionable insights into performance. For example, suppose your social media goal is to drive website traffic. Relevant KPIs might include click-through rates from social media posts, the number of website visits coming from social media, and conversion rates for social media traffic.

Tability social media KPIs
Our social media KPIs (or key results) at Tability. 

Step 4: Regularly review and adjust your social media goals

Regularly reviewing and adjusting your social media goals is essential for ensuring that they remain relevant and aligned with the evolving needs and priorities of the business. Social media trends, platforms, and audience behaviours are constantly changing, so goals that were relevant and achievable in the past may no longer be effective in driving business outcomes. By regularly reviewing and adjusting your social media goals, you can ensure that your social media efforts remain focused, effective, and aligned with broader business objectives.


Social media reports are crucial for guiding strategic decisions and maximising the impact of your business’s social media efforts. They offer valuable insights into performance metrics, audience behaviours, and the effectiveness of your marketing strategies, helping you assess progress, pinpoint areas for improvement, and make informed adjustments to boost your social media presence. 

These reports also serve as powerful tools for demonstrating the value of social media marketing to stakeholders, showcasing tangible results, and aligning efforts with broader business objectives. 

Author photo

Jeremy Yancey

Head of Content, Tability

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