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The 10 Best Metrics for Local SEO

Why use metrics for local SEO?

In the bustling world of digital marketing, local SEO (Search Engine Optimization) has become pivotal for businesses aiming to attract foot traffic and enhance their visibility in specific geographic areas. Unlike traditional SEO, local SEO targets potential customers in a specific location, making it crucial for businesses like restaurants, retail stores, and local service providers. Tracking local SEO metrics provides valuable insights into how well your efforts are working, which helps in refining strategies to attract more customers and improve your online presence.

The top 10 metrics for local SEO

1. Local search rankings

How well your business ranks in local search results directly impacts its visibility. Higher rankings generally lead to increased traffic and customer engagement.

  • How local search rankings are calculated: Search engines like Google use algorithms that consider various factors like relevance, distance, and prominence to rank local businesses.
  • What tools can be used to get local search ranking data: Tools like Moz Local and BrightLocal can help track your local search rankings.
  • What average, good, and best in class look like for local search rankings:
  • Average: Ranking on the second or third page of search results.
  • Good: Ranking within the top 10 results.
  • Best in class: Ranking within the top 3 results or appearing in the "local pack."

2. Google My Business (GMB) interactions

Google My Business (GMB) is a crucial tool for any local business. Monitoring interactions on your GMB profile helps you understand customer engagement and areas for improvement.

  • How GMB interactions are calculated: GMB interactions include views, clicks, calls, bookings, and direction requests.
  • What tools can be used to get GMB interaction data: Google My Business Insights and Whitespark can provide detailed interaction reports.
  • What average, good, and best in class look like for GMB interactions:
  • Average: A few interactions per week.
  • Good: Consistent daily interactions.
  • Best in class: High volume of interactions, multiple times per day.

3. Online reviews and ratings

Online reviews significantly impact local SEO as they influence consumer trust and search engine rankings.

  • How online reviews and ratings are calculated: The number of reviews, average rating, and the recency of reviews.
  • What tools can be used to get online review data: Platforms like Yelp, Google Reviews, and Trustpilot are commonly used.
  • What average, good, and best in class look like for online reviews and ratings:
  • Average: A rating of around 3 stars with less frequent reviews.
  • Good: A rating between 4-4.5 stars with regular reviews.
  • Best in class: A rating above 4.5 stars with daily reviews.

4. Local citations

Local citations refer to your business's online mentions including its name, address, and phone number. Consistent and accurate citations boost local SEO.

  • How local citations are calculated: The volume, accuracy, and quality of citations across the web.
  • What tools can be used to get local citation data: Use tools like Yext, Moz Local, and Synup.
  • What average, good, and best in class look like for local citations:
  • Average: Inconsistent or few citations.
  • Good: Consistent citations on major directories.
  • Best in class: High volume of accurate citations across multiple trusted local directories.

5. Click-through rate (CTR) from local search

CTR measures how often people who see your local listing click on it. A higher CTR usually indicates more effective listings.

  • How CTR from local search is calculated: Divide the number of clicks by the number of impressions, then multiply by 100 to get a percentage.
  • What tools can be used to get CTR data: Use Google Search Console and Ahrefs for CTR insights.
  • What average, good, and best in class look like for CTR:
  • Average: Around 1-2%.
  • Good: Between 3-5%.
  • Best in class: Above 6%.

Local backlinks are links from local websites, blogs, and forums to your website. They are a strong signal to search engines about your business’s relevance and authority in the local area.

  • How local backlinks are calculated: The quantity, quality, and relevance of backlinks from local sites to your own.
  • What tools can be used to get local backlink data: Track using tools like Ahrefs, SEMrush, and Majestic.
  • What average, good, and best in class look like for local backlinks:
  • Average: A few low-quality or irrelevant backlinks.
  • Good: Several high-quality, relevant backlinks.
  • Best in class: A high number of high-quality, relevant backlinks from authoritative local sources.

7. Social media engagement

Engagement on social media platforms helps in brand visibility and can significantly impact local SEO through increased traffic and social signals.

  • How social media engagement is calculated: Likes, shares, comments, and overall interactions on social platforms.
  • What tools can be used to get social media engagement data: Utilize Hootsuite, Buffer, and Sprout Social.
  • What average, good, and best in class look like for social media engagement:
  • Average: Minimal interaction with sporadic engagement.
  • Good: Regular interaction with consistent engagement.
  • Best in class: High levels of consistent engagement and interaction.

8. Website traffic from local searches

Monitoring website traffic specifically from local searches is crucial. Higher local traffic indicates that your local SEO efforts are driving relevant visitors to your site.

  • How website traffic from local searches is calculated: Track the number of visitors coming to your site from local search queries.
  • What tools can be used to get website traffic data: Tools such as Google Analytics and Statcounter are useful.
  • What average, good, and best in class look like for website traffic from local searches:
  • Average: Low levels of local traffic.
  • Good: Moderate increases in local traffic over time.
  • Best in class: High and consistent levels of local traffic.

9. Mobile traffic

Since a significant number of local searches are performed on mobile devices, monitoring mobile traffic helps in understanding user behaviour and optimizing mobile user experience.

  • How mobile traffic is calculated: The number of users visiting your site via mobile devices.
  • What tools can be used to get mobile traffic data: Utilize Google Analytics and Mixpanel.
  • What average, good, and best in class look like for mobile traffic:
  • Average: Low percentage of mobile visits.
  • Good: A substantial percentage of visits from mobile devices.
  • Best in class: High and steadily increasing percentage of mobile visits.

10. Local search impressions

Impressions indicate how often your business appears in local search results, even if users don’t click on your listing. This metric is crucial for understanding your visibility.

  • How local search impressions are calculated: The number of times your business is shown in local search results.
  • What tools can be used to get local search impressions data: Google Search Console and SEMrush.
  • What average, good, and best in class look like for local search impressions:
  • Average: Low number of impressions.
  • Good: Moderate and increasing number of impressions.
  • Best in class: High and consistent number of impressions.

How to track metrics for local SEO

Tracking local SEO metrics can be time-consuming but is crucial for the success of your local SEO strategies. Fortunately, there are goal-tracking tools like Tability that can save you time and help your team stay focused on the right metrics to improve. By utilizing such tools, you can automate the data collection process, make more informed decisions, and continuously refine your local SEO efforts.


Why is tracking local SEO metrics important? Tracking local SEO metrics allows you to measure the effectiveness of your local SEO strategies, identify areas of improvement, and ensure you are attracting and engaging local customers.

How often should I track my local SEO metrics? It is generally recommended to track your local SEO metrics on a weekly or monthly basis to identify trends and make timely adjustments to your strategy.

What is a good starting point for a local SEO strategy? A good starting point is to claim and optimize your Google My Business profile, ensure your website is mobile-friendly, and build accurate local citations.

Which tool is best for tracking local SEO metrics? There is no one-size-fits-all, but tools like Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and specialized SEO tools like Moz Local and BrightLocal are highly recommended for tracking various aspects of local SEO.

How quickly can I see results from local SEO efforts? Local SEO is a long-term strategy, and it may take several months to start seeing significant results in terms of rankings and traffic. However, optimizing your Google My Business profile can have quicker impacts.

By focusing on these top 10 metrics and using the right tools, you can significantly enhance the effectiveness of your local SEO efforts and make informed decisions to grow your local business presence.

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